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EXCLUSIVE: ZywOo about the victory over Cloud9: "It was a tough game"

Team Vitality sniper Mathieu ZywOo Erbo talked with Players correspondent Sofiia Pikhalo after defeating Cloud9 and reaching the grand final of the BLAST Premier Fall Final 2023.

It was a tough game, congratulations. How are you feeling right now?

Exciting, reacting now because it was game to play and actually we managed to win that. It was tough at the end of Inferno. Economy-wise we had a tough buy and the last one round. We know that we have to do something to win this game. Our coach said do not give up, to give our best, to think.

As our mood inside the game, I didn't feel anyone tilted or give up, that's why we managed to win this game at the end.

Otherwise, we lost some rounds, we lost eco. Usually, at Vitality, we didn't like to loose these rounds. It was a tough game to play, yeah.

What happened on Mirage? You brought the game to overtime and than won the overtime.

Actually Mirage was a bit fun. We won only 5 at the first half but after that we understood that we just should play our game with our feelings. In practice we played very good on this map. It's official match and that's a difference. Overall we were confident over the map. Even in the overtime we were confident to win this game.

Did you win the last map emotionally or tactically?

Emotionally it was tough. We were a lot behind at the end. I think never give up is the word our team. Anyone tilted or thought of loosing this game.

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