EXCLUSIVE: rain: "The win streak continues"

Софія Піхало

FaZe rifler Havard rain Nygaard talked to Players correspondent Sofiia Pikhalo after the victory over Cloud9 at the BLAST Premier Fall Final 2023.

How do you feel after this match? 

I feel good.The win streak continues and I happy that we managed to come back and close it. 

Were you nervous when you were close to fail third map? 

I wasn't nervous in that sense. Everything that's come to an end is good. I felt good that we close it. 

Did you feel any pressure because of your win streak? 

No, I don't think I had a pressure. We just want to keep winning tournaments. That's where the pressure is. 

Your stat today is great. Will it be on Saturday? 

I'm just trying to keep my level increasing and keep playing.

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