XTQZZZ about Vitality mistakes: “I don’t think today it was possible to win”

Олексій Харченко

Players Editor-In-Chief Alex Kharchenko talked to Vitality coach Remy XTQZZZ Quoniam after the defeat in the semifinals of the BLAST Premier Spring Final 2024.

You won the pick of the opponent while Spirit won your pick. What can you say about Anubis? What happened on the last map?

I think it was not a good game for both teams, to be honest. I saw so many mistakes. On Mirage, I think we had a good play on CT. We were a bit nervous on the T side, because lately, when we have a lead of 11-5, there were some comebacks.

We had so many good advantages on the CT side. We failed... I don't remember the second round, we won the pistol, but we failed the second round. We knew they would play short, but we didn't react, so it was a mistake as well.

And on Anubis... They played as expected, at least on the CT side. But we didn't trust each other, to be honest. For example, 7-4, we know they will play a lot on B, but we decided to play B, I don't know why.

And on CT, we have a huge chance to force buy for 4v2. We have a huge chance 5v3 on a first buy round. Anubis is still out on CT, so when you make this kind of mistake, you deserve to lose, that's it.

So you are saying that all those minor mistakes lead to the final result? 

Yeah, I think the mentality was fine today. Just, you know, it's top Сounter-Strike, right? You can't make so many mistakes like that. It’s just 1+1+1,  as you said. Spirit is definitely a good team. They were not that super good, they were decent, but I don't think today it was possible to win. 

It was a special event for mezii because he was playing in front of the local audience. What can you say about the crowd? Can you compare it to IEM Dallas? 

I think Dallas was another step, to be honest. They were supporting G2 a lot in Dallas, it was almost amazing. I heard that sometimes the crowd complained about saving, and I heard “fuck you apEX” as well a couple of times. I don't understand why, but it is what it is. 

What are your thoughts about such shouts from the crowd? 

To be honest, most of the time apEX was laughing when he heard that. So, they can continue, cannot change anything, it's fine.

At the same time, I'm a bit surprised, I don't think it's really good to hear that in the crowd. I think we need more respect, it's my opinion. But, at the end of the day, what can we do? Nothing.

In terms of the goals for tournaments, Vitality is always about getting to the final and winning tournaments, right?  

Of course, we are disappointed today. Even though we had a tough bracket, we needed to eliminate G2, FaZe and finally Spirit, but we didn't do it. I don't think we failed this season, but it's still a disappointment because we wanted at least one trophy, but we didn't get it.

Now it's time to take some rest and think about the season. What's wrong, what's good, because you always can see some improvements. And we know that, for sure.

Now we need to take some good rest. It's a bit weird, we had just five tournaments, but a lot of qualifiers, you know, the BLAST group stage, the RMR, and the ESL Pro League was pretty long as well. We felt like we played so much, but in the end, it's just five tournaments, that's it. 

Player break is coming. I believe you had some KPIs, performance stats, goals etc. Will you have a meeting with management and discuss the future? 

We will have a meeting next week. We will review everything with the organisation and let's see how it goes.

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