B1ad3: "We made mistakes, we had very bad control over the situation on the map"

NAVI head coach Andrii B1ad3 Horodenskyi talked with Players Editor-in-Chief Alex Kharchenko after losing the BLAST Premier Spring Final 2024. I would like to ask about peaks. Why, for example, did you peak Dust 2? Five maps, it doesn't matter what to pick. Five maps, we can pick anything. We won Dust 2 twice, it's […]

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XTQZZZ about Vitality mistakes: “I don’t think today it was possible to win”

Players Editor-In-Chief Alex Kharchenko talked to Vitality coach Remy XTQZZZ Quoniam after the defeat in the semifinals of the BLAST Premier Spring Final 2024. You won the pick of the opponent while Spirit won your pick. What can you say about Anubis? What happened on the last map? I think it was not a good […]

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mezii: “The first map was a bit slow to start, we were a bit sleepy, we weren't fully there”

Players Editor-In-Chief Alex Kharchenko talked with Vitality player William mezii Merriman at BLAST Premier Spring Final 2024. Let’s discuss the first map. You were winning 4-1 and then you lost 11 in a row. What happened? I think on the CT side we had a lot of chances to close it out. I think they […]

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Hanka on the development of CS2 women’s scene: “I think ESL see potential in us and in this scene”

NAVI Javelins' Hanka Pudlis gave talked with Players Editor-In-Chief Alex Kharchenko at IEM Dallas 2024.. We discussed the team's performance at the ESL Impact League Season 5 Finals and the development of the CS2 women's scene.   Coming back to the last game against Fluxo Demons. What happened? They made a comeback from 9:1. What was […]

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TaZ: “Stewie wasn't the first choice but he was destined to play with us”

Players Editor-In-Chief Alex Kharchenko talked to G2 coach Wiktor TaZ Wojtas after his team won IEM Dallas 2024.  First of all, congrats. The first question is about emotions.  Is there anything else left, taking into account the emotions in the arena? Anything left for you, for the team right now?   This arena, this crowd […]

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rain: “I think the fire that normally is in FaZe's eyes when we play on the stage wasn't there versus G2”

Players Editor-In-Chief Alex Kharchenko talked with FaZe player Havard rain Nygaard at IEM Dallas 2024. Coming back to the game against G2, what went wrong and led to the defeat?  I think there are multiple reasons. Some of them are private, and some of them are more burnout-related, I feel like. I think the fire […]

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mezii: “I think at the moment I'm trying to find consistency”

Players Editor-In-Chief Alex Kharchenko talked with Vitality player William mezii Merriman at IEM Dallas 2024. Did the loss in Malta affect your mental state as you prepared for IEM Dallas?  I think overall our performance in the Pro League was pretty strong. We beat FaZe, Astralis, who are two teams that are really strong anyway. […]

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Nicolas buda Kramer: “We are planning to move to Spain, to train more and grind” 

Players Editor-In-Chief Alex Kharchenko talked with 9z player Nicolas buda Kramer at IEM Dallas 2024. You got into a super difficult group. Did you expect such a result?  We expected to win one game or two games. At the same time we won, not comfortably, but very good against Mouz, Top 1. And Liquid and […]

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Michal CARMAC Blicharz: «It's always very important for us to visit NA to ensure that we have a touch base with a North American audience and NA gamers»

Players editor-in-chief Alex Kharchenko attended a press conference at IEM Dallas, where VP Product Development ESL Michal CARMAC Bliharz spoke about the company's attitude to the North American region.  «From European perspective, North American Counter-Strike has always been tremendously important because it was traditionally the driver of what the community were buzzing about. So it […]

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Footballer Yevhen Konoplyanka became a co-founder of the Ukrainian esports organisation kONO.ECF

Former Ukrainian footballer Yevhen Konoplyanka has become an investor in the new esports organisation kONO.ECF, which has been operating under the TBA.ECF tag for the past few months. The club published the announcement on its social media. ‘We are united by this desire to play spectacularly and move towards European heights. Every day, the team […]

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