CS2 Practice Smoke Guide with Lorgar

Сергій Таран

We have prepared this guide to teach you how to train smoke grenade throwing in CS2. Learning how to properly use smoke grenades in Counter-Strike 2 is very important for map control and tactical advantage.

In this article, we've described in detail how to create a training map and prepared important console commands that you'll need for this. We also collected key smoke spreads on all competitive maps in CS2.

What is a smoke grenade (smoke) in CS2

Most CS2 players call the smoke grenade the key to the game. It costs $300. When you throw it, the grenade is activated only after landing and creates a smoke screen that lasts 18 seconds.

This grenade is used to create a smoke wall to cross certain locations, which can make your movement invisible, as the enemy does not know whether you have passed there or not.

We told you more about grenades in Counter-Strike 2 and how they are used in this article.

Create a local training map in CS2

With the release of CS2, there are two ways to create a practice map in CS2. The first one is quite simple, all you need to do is click “Play” in the main menu and then select “Training” from the top. Then you need to select a map and turn on the auxiliary functions located on the top left. However, when using this method, you will still need console commands, which we will discuss later.

The second method is “traditional” and has been used since the days of CS:GO. To do this, check in the settings whether you have the console enabled, go to the “Enable developer console” option and set it to “Yes”. The console is opened by pressing the “~” key.

The next step is to open the developer console and write the command “map [map name]” - this will launch a custom server on the map of your choice. This will be your local training server. After launching it, you need to write the sv_cheats 1 command, as without it you will not be able to use cheat commands. 

Console commands for the CS2 training map

Once your custom server is up and running, you should run several console commands. Here are some of the most useful commands that are recommended for use:

  • sv_cheats 1 — allows cheat commands on the server.
  • mp_maxmoney 60000 —increases the maximum amount of money you can have.
  • mp_startmoney 60000 — gives $60000 at the beginning of the game.
  • mp_buytime 1 — you can make purchases wherever and whenever you want.
  • sv_showimpacts 1 — shows useful information related to the bullet hit.
  • sv_showimpacts_time 1 — sets the time for displaying information related to the bullet hit.
  • sv_infinite_ammo 1 — an infinite number of ammunition.
  • ammo_grenade_limit_total 5 — sets the maximum total number of grenades you can carry at any given time.
  • mp_roundtime 60 — sets the round time to 60 minutes.
  • mp_freezetime 0 — allows you to move at the beginning of the round.
  • mp_warmup_end — finishes the warmup.
  • god – you will become immortal.
  • sv_gravity – changes gravity.
  • bot_add [T/CT][easy/normal/hard/expert] — adds a bot to a given team with a given level of complexity. 
  • bot_kick [name] — removes bots from the map.
  • mp_roundtime_defuse 60 — increases the bomb disposal time to 60 minutes.
  • mp_respawn_on_death_ct/t 1 — instant respawn to the CT/T side.
  • sv_grenade_trajectory_time_spectator 15 — sets the time in seconds during which the trajectory of thrown grenades is displayed.

Binds in CS2 that will be useful on the training map 

You can also use binds to improve your actions during training. Here we have collected the basic ones, some of which can also be used during the game in competitive mode. 

  • bind "Х" "noclip" – allows you to fly.
  • bind "Х" "ent_fire smokegrenade_projectile kill; stopsound" – quickly removes the smoke from the map. 
  • bind "Х" "use weapon_flashbang" — flash bind.
  • bind "Х" "use weapon_smokegrenade" — smoke binds.
  • bind "Х" "use weapon_hegrenade" — bind HE.
  • bind "Х" "use weapon_molotov;use weapon_incgrenade" — molotov bind.
  • bind "Х" "use weapon_decoy" — decoy.

*Х — Relevant key

Principles of learning smokes in CS2

When your training server is ready, you can start your training. You need to focus on your main goal – mastering smoke grenades, so it's best to start with the basics. Basic smokes lay the foundation in CS2 and help you master more complex grenades later on. 

For beginners, it is better to start with Mirage or Dust 2, these are the best maps given their popularity in the game and the presence of a bunch of different points where you can throw simple smokes. Start mastering smoke grenades with the main anchor points on the maps and gradually move on to more complex ones. This will ensure a deep understanding and application of smoke tactics.

Try to avoid common mistakes, such as having the wrong position or using the wrong landmarks when throwing smokes. 

Remember that the real test comes when you have to put your smoke-throwing skills to use while playing with real people. Here it is important to be able to adapt your actions, including throwing smokes, to the events that are happening on the map at that moment. 

Successful use of smokes under pressure requires not only practice, but also a deep understanding of the game mechanics, map structures, and timings.

Special crosshair for grenades

Some players use a special grenade crosshair. This crosshair helps you take better aim to throw difficult grenades. 

To add a crosshair, you need to write the following commands in the console:

  • alias «xhair» «cl_crosshairsize 1000000; bind l xxhair»
  • alias «xxhair» «cl_crosshairsize 2.5; cl_crosshairgap -2.5; bind l xhair»
  • bind Х «xhair»

Replace X with a key that is convenient for you.

Main smokes on CS2 competitive maps

The main smokes on Mirage

The main smokes on Inferno

The main smokes on Dust2

The main smokes on Ancient

The main smokes on Nuke

The main smokes on Anubis

The main smokes on Vertigo

Remember that practice makes perfect, and the more you practice your smoke, the better you will develop this skill and be able to use it more effectively. We hope that after reading this article, you have learned more about practicing your smoke and that it will help you improve your game. We wish you success in your game.

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