How to improve your aim in CS2? Shooting guide with Lorgar

Сергій Таран

Shooting is one of the key skills in CS2. You can understand the maps perfectly and know how to move on them, understand grenades and sounds, but without a confident aim, you won't be able to do the key thing in the round - kill your opponent. Therefore, in this guide, we will tell you what the aiming training in CS2 consists of.

Types of aim in CS2

There are three main types of shooting in CS2:

  • Spray — continuous shooting, which you need to control so that the bullets fly to approximately the same position
  • Tapping — shots are fired one at a time. 
  • Bursing — shooting in short bursts.

Training your shooting technique

Remember, practice is the key to improving your shooting skills. Regular training will help you become a more accurate and confident player.

To master the ability to tap or shoot a series of shots, you need to spend about an hour on specific maps. It can be Aim Botz or CSStats Training Map. At these training maps, you will have the opportunity to try out all the weapons available in the game and understand how they fire in a series and single shots.

You will also understand how each type of weapon works at long and short ranges. Also, don't forget to examine maps to know where enemies might be and what angles to keep when waiting for an enemy to appear.

One of the most effective exercises to improve your shooting is to switch the sights from one bot to another quickly. For example, for a few minutes, you do this exercise without focusing on accuracy, but simply improve your speed of sight movement. Then you can focus more on making your shots fast and accurate.

Don't forget about training on DM servers. There, you can improve your skills against real enemies, as their behaviour may be non-standard compared to bots. Don't underestimate training against bots, as they allow you to understand the basis of shooting in CS2.

Training of crosshair control

The first step is to spend some time learning and practising how to use crosshair in CS2. If you keep your crosshair at head level and anticipate where the enemy is likely to appear, you will minimize the need to adjust it on the fly and increase your chances of hitting the head. Therefore, it’s best to always try to shoot the enemy in the head, especially when you are training your AIM.

A good exercise to learn how to keep the crosshairs on the enemy's head is to follow the bot on one of the training maps, but try to keep the crosshairs on the bot so that the crosshairs are on its head. You can also do strafes/counter-strafes in front of the bot and shoot at it, but make sure that the crosshairs are always at the level of its head. 

You have to keep in mind the scale of the game and be able to adjust the sights so that when you see an enemy, you can shoot him in the head right away. The farther away the enemy is, the lower the level of his head, and as the enemy approaches/removes, you have to raise/lower the crosshair to keep it at the same level as the enemy's head.

It is also important to properly adjust your crosshair. This can be done in the CS2 settings – your crosshair should be comfortable for you, but still be visible on different parts of the map. You can also create your own crosshair on the Crosshair Generator v4 map, which helps you choose the best setting for your crosshair and allows you to test it right away. There are also crosshairs of professional players on the map, you can test them, and if they suit you, you can leave them or make small changes. 

Understanding the spray in CS2

Spray control is also an important aspect of CS2. Spray is a fundamental aspect of game mechanics that determines the behaviour of bullets during continuous shooting. Spray refers to the deviation of bullets from the target due to recoil, which leads to the formation of a characteristic pattern of bullet movement.

To improve your spray, you should pay attention to the Recoil Master - Spray Training map, where you can understand the movement of the spray when you hold down the firing button.

Improve your prefire in CS2

Prefire is the ability to anticipate the enemy's movements and open fire before they appear in front of you. Mastering this skill allows the player to control the situation on the map and be ready for the enemy to appear, which increases your chances of winning. This skill can be very useful in various situations, especially when receiving information from teammates or sounds in the game.

Setting the mouse sensitivity 

The mouse sensitivity setting in CS2 has a big impact on your shooting accuracy. Too high sensitivity can lead to scattered shots, while too low sensitivity will slow down your reaction when turning and changing direction.

A good mouse sensitivity setting allows you to strike a balance between controlling the crosshair while shooting, running, and being able to react quickly to opponents from different angles. The right mouse sensitivity will also reduce the strain on your wrist and hand, which will help prevent fatigue and injuries during long gaming sessions.

  • Low mouse sensitivity means that large reticle rotations require significant mouse movement.
  • High mouse sensitivity allows you to rotate the crosshair with a small mouse movement in the other direction.

Mouse sensitivity settings are located in the Keyboard/Mouse section. You can change the mouse sensitivity there, but it's unlikely that you'll find the right balance right away, so you should experiment for a while. 

Remember, daily training will give better results than training once a week for 5 hours. Therefore, it is advisable for a beginner to allocate at least an hour a day to improve their shooting skills, as well as to find the perfect configuration of CS2 settings. We hope that this guide will help you improve your aim. 

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