EXCLUSIVE: broky on FaZe's winning streak: "We always say we won't win the next game"

Софія Піхало

FaZe sniper Helvijs broky Saukants gave an interview to Players correspondent Sofiia Pikhalo after defeating Complexity and reaching the BLAST Premier Fall Final 2023 grand final.

Close match, do you feel exhausted right now?

I’m not feeling exhausted, I’m ready to play more actually, so I will be ready to play another game.

Another game? How more?

Like Bo3.

How it was playing in front of the crowd?

The crowd is amazing, we always hear a lot of support from the fans so it was amazing to play here.

What does potential win of this tournament means to you and your organisation?

We already won 3 tournaments in CS2, so getting the fourth will be amazing. Making history and the stat of the game we hope we can do it tomorrow.

Are you ready to beat Vitality today?

I mean we always say that we not gonna win next game so probably not.. so we can keep winning.

What's your emotional level now?

I’m happy. I think I’m always happy to be in another final and keep rolling.

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