EXCLUSIVE: jL about the victory over NiP and w0nderful's game

Софія Піхало

NAVI player Justinas jL Lekavicius talked to Players correspondent Sofiia Pikhalo after the victory over Ninjas in Pyjamas at the BLAST Premier Fall Final 2023.

How are you doing today?

A: Doing good, 2:0 is feeling good of course.

I saw you were really caring for your team today, emotionally too, was it hard for you?

No, not hard, I think at one point we lost it a little bit, I felt maybe sad a little bit. It wasn't hard, we always took together, we played as a team, we closed it out in the end.

How did you feel after the almost comeback of NiP in the first match?

On the last round.. I had like a memory of Complexity vs Astralis. Complexity came back from 2:10 half, and I remember that we finished 10:2 and it's gonna be overtime now, we gonna lose. But we closed out the game so..

So you are really happy?


Who do you want to be your next opponent?

I don’t care to be honest. I mean, of course, Vitality in my opinion is a better team than Complexity. We also practice a lot of time versus Complexity. We know how they play, they also know how we play. But I think it’s a better opponent for us.

How can you describe w0nderful in your team now?

He is w0nderful. He surprised me a lot. I thought he was going to do way worse but he was very calm, very.. he plays a lot better on officials than he does on practice. So the pressure, I think, is good for him.

So now the chemistry in your team is really good?


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