EXCLUSIVE: Konstantin Leniniw Sivko on Monte's chances in the match against GamerLegion and Vitality's confidence

Олексій Харченко

Alex Kharchenko, Editor-in-Chief of Players talked with CS:GO commentator Konstantin Leniniw Sivko at BLAST.tv Paris Major 2023. In our conversation, Leniniw shared his thoughts on the results of the first quarterfinal matches and his expectations for today's matches.

Hi, how was the first day of the quarterfinals? Did you think it would be so easy for Team Vitality?

I thought that it would be easy for Vitality. And it was 2-0, there were some chances after the first half on Vertigo, but in the second half, everything became obvious. With the incredible support of Vitality fans, it's tough to lose to Into The Breach when you have ZywOo in your line-up.

Do you think Into The Breach lacked experience?

The British lacked another opponent, not as powerful. I don't know what had to happen for the British to beat Vitality at their home major, it's a fact, it's life.

Today we have Monte, tell us what you plan to do with the Ukrainian fans?

At 13:30, there will be a gathering at the entrance of the Grand Hall at Accor Arena with all the Monte fans. We will gather and organise a fan zone. Many people who support Monte approached me and supported this idea. All announcements will be in the Monte telegram and Maincast.

Players will be there too.

And Players will be there too, that's right. I hope it will be good and interesting.

Final question. What are your predictions, taking into account who we are all for Monte?

Monte and GamerLegion, to be honest, are 50-50. GamerLegion is a powerful opponent now and it would be a mistake to underestimate them. Perhaps 55 to 45 in favour of Monte, because they have more matches played and know what they will be playing for here.

And I expect Liquid to win. As practice shows, Liquid feel very good at such stages of the tournament and they also know what they are playing for. So, we'll be cheering up for Monte, because they have a little more chance, and I expect Liquid to win.

Thank you very much!

You're welcome. Glory to Ukraine!

Glory to the heroes!

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