EXCLUSIVE: stavn on loss to Astralis: 'I think our communication should be better'

Софія Піхало

Heroic's Martin stavn Lund talked with Players correspondent Sofiia Pikhalo after losing to Astralis in the IEM Cologne 2023 CS:GO quarterfinals.

I'm sorry that you lost. How do you feel now?

I feel terrible. Obviously, feel that we are the stronger team [than Astralis]. We know that we didn't play the best CS in the group stage but we managed to qualify another way. We hoped that we could show the normal level we used to but we didn't show it in this tournament, to be honest.

What you can do better next time?

I think we should check our games and see what we did badly. I think our communication needs to be better. Also, there was a lack of initiative. A lot of things we have to look at.

I hope the next tournament will be yours.

Thank you.

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