ENCE Academy, Alliance, 9INE, MOUZ NXT, BIG Academy and Astralis Talent withdrew from RCL 2024: Advanced League (UPDATING)

Олексій Харченко

Thanks to the investigation by Players and Dmytro Bamb1ni Kuzmenko and the joint work of the Ukrainian eSports community, it was possible to convey some European teams that participation in the RCL 2024: Advanced League (russian Cyber League) tournament is the support of russian aggression. Currently, ENCE Academy, Alliance, 9INE, Astralis Talent, BIG Academy and MOUZ NXT have withdrawn from the tournament. Some teams officially announced this on Twitter, and others directly responded to Ukrainian eSports influencers who were engaged in our Twitter storm.

Oleksandr Petr1k Petryk, Ivan Johnta Shevtsov, Oleksiy yXo Maletsky, Mykhailo Olsior Zvieriev, Dmytro Bamb1ni Kuzmenko, James Banks, UESF, casters of the Maincast studio and many other well-known Ukrainian and foreign media and eSports personalities. This result was achieved due to the joint work of the initiative group, which includes well-known Ukrainian eSports figures and the Players editorial office, as representatives of the mass media.

It is worth noting that there was a massive DDoS attack on the Players website tonight.

As a reminder, the Players editorial office prepared an investigation in which we proved why the RCL 2024 tournament with CS2 is a classic example of the Russian propaganda machine and "eSports in politics."

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