EXCLUSIVE: James Banks on the first day of quarter-finals, Monte and Vitality

Олексій Харченко

Players Editor-in-Chief Alex Kharchenko interviewed BLAST.tv Paris Major 2023 CS:GO host James Banks.

On the first quarter-final day of BLAST.TV Paris Major 2023 

The first day was absolutely insane from start to finish. To start off, we basically had a final as an opening quarter-final game. I know it’s been a bit slow towards the end, FaZe has been struggling and Heroic does look like a better team, for sure. You have to be pretty proud of what teams were able to show because it was not a match that any of these teams expected to be in the early stage. 

On Vitality 

Vitality? They did what they need to do but the boys from Into The Breach were fighting back, they were strong. They have to be really impressed with that. And this crowd, it’s empty now, is absolutely amazing. The French crowd is popping on. I’m happy to see the French crowd do so well. 

Now, it’s all come down to what will happen tomorrow and to the rest of the tournaments and but my prediction is that Vitality will win. Maybe tomorrow Liquid will upset the whole balance. Let’s wait and see. 

On Monte 

I do love them. I think they have a chance but on a stage like this, I see too many good players crack. Only sdy have a good amount of experience. He can try to put it on other players and play with no fear. It will be very close and dangerous. I would love to see Ukrainian brothers do well. I would love to see some success and I expect sdy to come out and give the best teamspeak ever. 

Looking at the BOROS right now, he’s a monster. But how he will react to the crowd that may be against him, for example. I made my pickem, you can check it on my YouTube channel, but they start winning. Maybe Monte will win it all. 

We would like to remind you that Players has published an interview with Konstantin Leniniw Sivko.

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