EXCLUSIVE: Thomas, Into the Breach: “I predict, GamerLegion will win 2:1 in this final”

Олексій Харченко

Thomas “Thomas” Utting, player from British CSGO team Into the Breach, gave an express comment to Players Editor-In-Chief Alex Kharchenko about BLAST.TV Paris Major 2023 final. 

Looking at the matches that GamerLegion and Vitality had yesterday, who will win the major? 

I predict that GamerLegion will win 2:1, King Keoz.. It can go either way. You know, Tier 2 CS and I had trolls behind me (at the time of recording this interview, GamerLegion players were standing just near us - Players). It’s going to be a good match no matter what. 

No win for Vitality and French fans? 

Of course, there’s always a chance for Vitality. I always supported them. 

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