IKLA CEO Maksym Bednarskyi: «There are already potential buyers for Kvem»

Сергій Таран

IKLA CEO Maksym Bednarskyi talked with Players about temporarily suspending the organization's activities.

About the fate of the club's employees

The staff will be dissolved on February 01, 2024.

On IKLA's interest in players and the possibility of selling the entire roster, as it was with ENEIDA

We haven't received any such offers. The ENEIDA project was created by my friends from the IT industry. But looking at the situation with CS2, I think they are not very satisfied.

We created this IKLA roster from free agents, so we shouldn't expect much interest in a full roster. For example, there are already potential buyers for Kvem, they were before the Major qualifiers and last summer. These are foreign organizations. We'll see who we can sell players over time. I think after the Major and during the reshuffles there will be more interest in our players.

On the reasons for stopping the organization's activities

The lack of results is the second reason for this decision, but the main reason is the inability to protect investments. The only way to return investments is to show high-level results, so next year, if we return, we will revise the strategy of entering the market, perhaps buy out a ready-made roster, or build a roster that will immediately qualify for Tier 1.

On the possible change of the club's investors

It's not a lack of money, so no.

About the full termination of work

As a frozen asset, an organization can wait for its time as long as needed. I don't see the point in shutting it down completely.

About personal plans

I plan to deal with health and family matters. If there are interesting projects or proposals, I will consider them.

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