IKLA will temporarily cease operations

Сергій Таран

IKLA CEO Maksym Bednarskyi tweeted that the organisation is temporarily suspending its operations until 2025. This happened due to the unreliability of investments.

«We had meeting and consultations with board of investors. We’ve decided to temporarily cease operations of IKLA due to insecurity of investments. We cannot invest hundreds of thousands (millions if needed) of dollars in team when it’s just luck decides if you will play vs cheaters on online qualifiers or not. Teams are not secured in any way. We will take pause until 2025 to reconsider possible return to CS as a team if we will see positive changes.

What does it mean for the players now ? All our players will be benched and put on transfer list starting 01.02.2024. Our last officials will be IEM Chengdu #2 open qualifiers.»

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